Saturday, July 6, 2013

Manila Improv Festival 2013 : Breaking The Language Barrier Thru Improv!

Manila Improv Festival 2013

How would you summarize a movie in four seconds? Can you jump over hurdles… in slow motion? Or act out a butcher killing someone with a Rubik’s cube? These are just some of the scenes and actions heard and seen at the 2nd Manila International Improv Festival.

Team SanTayo took up the challenge and experienced a day -- or several days in fact -- full of laughter and mayhem.

The Manila International Improv Festival, organized by Manila-based Silly People’s Improve Theater (SPIT), is a collaboration of different groups from Asian countries, showcasing talents on using improvisation in the world of comedy. This year’s theme is “Follow your Feet,” reminding improvs to move when their feet wants to move.